Princess is not a good person: forced to marry a demon, Your Highness

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He fell on a woman and said to the smoke gl**** with an unsteady breath, "Don't go." "Childe, what do you

He fell on a woman and said to the smoke glass with an unsteady breath, "Don't go." "Childe, what do you care about her? If it weren't for her, how could you be killed like this?" Yan'er made no secret of her complaint and disgust for the smoke glass, and glared at her mercilessly. Mu Yan Li looked at the moon, with tears in his eyes. Yeah, if it wasn't for her, how could Suyue become like this. She thinks she's a pest. I made a good person like this. Looking at the small mouth of the moon spitting blood, the tears in the eyes of the smoke glass finally fell down. Suyue, I'm sorry I hurt you. She bit her lip and her face was full of apologies. No, it's okay, I. Before he had finished a sentence, another mouthful of blood came out of his mouth. Childe. As soon as Yan'er's face changed, she hurriedly reached out her hand and touched Suyue twice. You can't kill him. "Childe." As soon as Yan'er's face changed, she hurriedly reached out her hand and touched Suyue twice. I'm sorry Mu Yan Li said such a sentence faintly, then turned around and walked toward the night Phoenix. Lier, come back, come back. Behind him came the weak voice of Suyue. Mu smoke glass in the heart is very uncomfortable, Suyue is still saying over and over again to come back, however,Plastic Foam Dispenser Bottle, she is impossible to go back. She didn't want to hurt him anymore. Ye Huang's eyes are very cold. She was concerned about Suyue's injuries. Did she not see her own injuries. As if, back to that day. This is also the case. They were all hurt, but she could only see the moon in her eyes. Do not know is the reason of the injury is too serious or what, the night Phoenix feels very uncomfortable in the heart. It was like something was cutting the flesh of the heart. Mu smoke glass has not yet come to his side, he then a step, reached out his hand to drag her into his arms. She hit her head right where he was hurt. It hurts, but he won't let go. So he hugged her tightly, as if to embed her in the flesh and blood. The jade bracelet looked at him worriedly. She knew that the palace master was very excited now,Blue Bottle Serum, and he must be very happy to find the young palace master. But even if you want to make out, it's not now. He dragged his injured body in a hurry and was just slapped by Suyue again. Now is not the time to make out. Besides, it's in the wrong place. Master of the palace. She weakly shouted behind the moon, interrupting their intimacy, the palace master will be very angry, but the palace master's body is more important than anything else. Kill Suyue. The night phoenix hugs the smoke glass to turn around, the voice coldly orders the way. Dare to rob a woman with him, no matter who it is, it is self-destructive. Mu Yan Li stiffened all over and grabbed the skirt of Ye Huang's chest. "No." Her eyes widened and her face turned red. "You can't kill him." I must kill him. Mu Yan Li stiffened all over and grabbed the skirt of Ye Huang's chest. "No." Her eyes widened and her face turned red. "You can't kill him." As soon as the night Phoenix gave the order, the people around Suyue had already stood in front of Suyue. When Suyue fought with Yehuang before, she had already been slapped by him several times. The last slap was particularly heavy, and by this time he had fallen into a semi-comatose state. Ye Huang looked down at Mu Yan Li, hooked his lips, and sneered, Foam Pump Bottles Wholesale ,Amber Dropper Bottles, "Why?" His tone is very calm. However, such a smile, with such a calm tone, eerily frightening. Mu Yan Li clenched his hand, bit his lips, and said slowly after a few seconds of silence, "because he is my savior." "If it wasn't for him, I'd be dead." "So he can't die." The night phoenix's eyes flashed, and the watery eyes locked her eyes. She raised her chin with one hand and said softly, "If so, I must kill him." Mu Yan Li was stunned, looking at this pair of eyes that once made him dizzy, word by word, the tone firmly said, "My life was picked up by him, if you must kill him, then take my life." The night phoenix breathed, and his anger surged wildly in his heart. For the sake of Suyue, she could even give up her life. Is her affection for him so deep? No, no, she's in love with herself. She can't like Suyue. Ye Huang's heart is very confused. For the first time, he lost his confidence in front of a woman. Is she trying to piss herself off? Because he was still angry with himself, he deliberately said these words to make himself angry. However, her eyes are so firm, her tone is so firm. In the past, he would sneer and say, "If you want to die, I will help you.". But now, he hesitated because of her words. He frowned, pursed his lips, and changed his mood with his ink-like eyes. Anger, pain and confusion flashed through his eyes. Master of the palace. Stay with me from now on. Anger, pain and confusion flashed through his eyes. Master of the palace. Got the order, the jade bracelet sees the night phoenix does not make a sound tardy, knew that he was hesitating because of the words of the smoke glass. Even before, Miss Gong had never disobeyed the master of the palace. The only time, after knowing that the palace master used her to kill her father personally, he attacked the palace master. But even if she was used by the palace master like this, she was still reluctant to lay hands on the palace master. The palace young lady, is infatuated with the palace master, is infatuated to lose oneself, any matter, all obeys the palace master. And the young palace master made her feel like a normal person. Even if she loves the master of the palace, she has her own thoughts. The palace master was surrounded by people who obeyed all his orders. And the young master is the only one who dares to contradict the master, dare to disobey the master's orders,Serum Bottle With Dropper, dare to ignore the master's authority. Perhaps, it is precisely because of this special, will let the palace master heart. I don't have to kill him. 。
